F2I: Building and Maintaining Purpose

Posted: April 3, 2014 in Fitness

When you wake up in the morning and you are already asking yourself if you are going to the gym or not, you have already failed.  Learn to get to the point of maintaining your self-awareness and mind to expect and condition a routine without thinking.  When you wake up, you know what is already ahead of you and there is no question, it is just doing.  This takes some time to get to this point, but it will happen.  Keep your purpose in front of you at all times.  What do I mean by Purpose?

For me personally, my Purpose is to get back into shape for health reasons, not necessarily looks, which of course is a nice byproduct of doing everything right.  Your Purpose should be something you hold dear.  Something that will drive you in the right direction and always light that spark you will need in times of challenging events or obstacles.  A Purpose is having an unquestionable set of goals and hunger to achieve them.  Without Purpose, you are going through exercises without knowing where you are going.  It is like walking around in the dark.  Yes, you are moving, but you do not know where you are, where you have been, or where you are going.  Purpose extends beyond goals even.  Goals are fundamental steps to a Purpose, but a Purpose answers the big question of Why.

Tomorrow ends Week 2 for me.  The first 2-3 days are always the toughest when getting back into a routine and establishing a purpose.  Once you are over this initial hurdle, the rest falls into place and is fueled by your drive, hunger, and willingness to simply do what it takes for yourself to reach where you want to be.

Train Hard, Train Smart.


  1. Will says:

    Great job stay focused

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